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Paul flanierte durch Prag und Johannes erzählt einen lustigen aber für Podcasts gänzlich ungeeigneten Witz.
Paul war in Prag;
Captain America: Civil War;
Status Quo Game of Thrones (mild Season 6 Spoilers!!);
Segway vs segue;
John Oliver: Science;
Was hörst du gerade so?
Karate Andi – Turbo (Paul & Johannes);
RAF Camora – Ghost (Paul);
Refused – the shape of punk to come (Paul);
Nimo – VOLLAUTOMATIK feat. Hanybal (Paul);
Ufo361 – „BLNFFM“ feat. Celo & Abdi;
Modern Baseball – Holy Ghost (Johannes);
Tripping in the Dark (Modern Baseball Documentary);
Sticky Fingers – Caress Your Soul (Johannes);
derdanielistcool zu „Caress Your Soul“;